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Low Prices & Quality Services That Keep You Coming Back!
The following is a more detailed description of the services I provide. If you can't find your specific automotive problem below, just go to my home page, e-mail me and I will reply as soon as possible with your personal estimate.

Engine Overhauls
Includes: Removal of engine, replacing worn out parts, and reinstalling engine. Parts that are replaced: gaskets, seals, piston rings, rod & main bearings, and oil. Prices vary depending on make/model.
PRICE: $250.00-$350.00 plus parts
Transmisson Install
Intallation Includes: Taking off old transmission and replacing it with the new transmission. Prices depend on make/model and front/rear wheel drive.
PRICE: $75.00-$150.00
Cylinder Heads Install
Installation Includes: Replacing old heads with new ones and replacing valve stem seals. Some vehicles may require readjusting the timing. Prices vary depending on make/model.
PRICE: $200.00-$275.00 plus parts
Carburetor Install & Rebuild
Installation Includes: Removal of old carburetor and installing new one. Prices vary depending on year make/model.
PRICE: $50.00-$100.00 plus parts
Rebuild Includes: Acid dip,replacing gaskets, installing carburetor, and adjusting choke. Prices vary depending on make/model.
PRICE: $75.00-$125.00 plus parts

Brakes Install
Includes: Removal of worn brakes, installing new ones, and bleeding the brakes if needed.
PRICE: $40.00 plus parts
Bearings & Axles Install
Wheel Bearings Installation Includes: Replacing bearings and seals. Prices vary depending on make/model.
PRICE: $75.00-$150.00 plus parts
Axle Installation Includes: Replacing old axles with your new ones. Prices vary depending on make/model.
PRICE: $50.00-$125.00 plus parts
Tune-Up Includes: Changing oil, replacing rotor, distributor cap, and spark plugs.
PRICE: $20.00 plus parts
Complete Car Stereo System Installation
Inatallation Includes: Installing stereo, amp, crossover, equalizer, and speakers.
PRICE: $100.00
Order a custom made speaker box, prices vary

Stereo or Amp Repair: Includes replacing burnt out fuses and wires. Prices vary depending on type of repair.
PRICES: $20.00-$50.00 plus parts
Stereos & Amps Install
Stereo or Amp Installation Includes: Installing your stereo or amplifier, and removing the old ones if needed.
Stereo $40.00
Amplifier $30.00
Stereo/Amplifier $60.00